Health & Social Care Shop #HSCresources #tlevelhealth
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Level 2 & 3 Health & Social Care and T-Level resources both free and small charge ; use the search facility and I hope you find what you need. Supporting teachers
Level 2 & 3 Health & Social Care and T-Level resources both free and small charge ; use the search facility and I hope you find what you need. Supporting teachers
A 28 page booklet for students to write notes, carry out activities and plan course work content. There are NINE accompanying PowerPoints to help with an engaging delivery with lots of reference to the assessment criteria so discussions can take place to check students understanding. It’s in Word format so you can add to this, to suit your style of delivery. Keeping notes together with planning opportunities will keep the most disorganised of students, on task
The resource package covers the complete content for A1 and A2, as below:-
A1 Concepts and terminology used within sociology
• Diversity of culture and identity:
o socialisation, including norms, values and roles
o social class
o race and ethnic or national origin
o gender
o age
o region
o religion or belief systems
o sexual orientation
o disability.
• The main social institutions:
o family networks
o education
o health and social care services.
A2 The key sociological perspectives
The main sociological perspectives, and the strengths and limitations of each perspective’s explanation of society:
• functionalism
• conflict, including Marxism and feminism
• social action, including interactionism
• postmodernism.
#hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
This package is for teachers delivering the 2022 spec for BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care Component 3, Health and Wellbeing.
For teachers following my C3 SoW, this is for week 13.
There is one presentations of 62 slides with an embedded videos, pause discussion points and activities to apply knowledge using mindmaps. Guidance and a completed mindmap as a model. Exam Practice in the style of exam question 17b.
All resources are adaptable to meet you needs.
There is a homework task sheet for both Level 1 and Level 2 and in the style of question 17b
Learning Aim C3 content below is completely covered in this package;
● Definition of obstacles: something personal to an individual that blocks a person moving forward or when action is prevented or made difficult. [Exam question 17b]
● Potential obstacles as appropriate to the individual and the recommendation: [Exam question 17b]
o emotional/psychological
o time constraints
o availability of resources
o unachievable targets
o lack of support.
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,200+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
This package is for teachers delivering the 2022 spec for BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care Component 3, Health and Wellbeing. s.
For teachers following my C3 SoW, this is for week 9.
There is one presentations of 33 slides and a worksheet for notes covering the benefits of a person-centred approach for individuals, professionals and services. There is a focus on answering 6 mark questions using the PEE model and applied practice for this and model answers provided.
All resources are adaptable to meet you needs.
There are two homework task sheets based on exam answers for Level 1 and Level 2.
The content of the spec covered in this package is listed below;
● The ways in which a person-centred approach takes into account an individual’s:
o needs – to reduce health risks
o wishes – their preferences and choices
o circumstances – to include age, ability, location, living conditions, support, physical and emotional health
• The importance of a person-centred approach for individuals:
o makes them more comfortable with recommendations, advice and treatment
o gives them more confidence in recommendations, advice and treatment
o ensures their unique and personal needs are met
o increases the support available to more vulnerable individuals
o improves their independence
o they are more likely to follow recommendations/actions to improve their health
o they are more motivated to behave in ways that positively benefit their health
o they feel happier and more positive about their health and wellbeing.
● The benefits of a person-centred approach for health and social care workers and services:
o it improves job satisfaction for health and social care workers
o it saves time for health and social care services
o it saves money for health and social care services
o it reduces complaints about health and social care services and workers.
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,200+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
T-Level Health 2024-2025 complete pick-up-and-run teaching package for B2.23 , B2.24 , B2.25 and B1.28 If you are following my SoW it is for weeks beginning 6th January 2025.
Included is a 78 slide presentation which you can stop-start, set slides as homework, encourages class discussions and has embedded YouTube clips to engage learners. Exam practice is embedded in the 22 page booklet with guided for note taking. Although osmoregulation has already been delivered, when teaching B2.24 thermoregulation there is the natural opportunity to revisit osmoregulation as the two are linked.
This package covers the below spec content;
B2.23 The components of the integumentary system; where they are located, their function and structure including how they are organised:
• components of the integumentary system and how they are organised:
o skin
o hair
o nails
o exocrine glands eg. sweat, ceruminous and sebaceous glands
• functions of the integumentary system:
o vitamin D synthesis
o protection; bacteria and UV rays
o cutaneous sensation; tactile, thermal, pain, pruritic, modality
o excretion; oil, wax and sweat -salt, water and urea
B2.24 The components and processes involved in temperature regulation:
• the role of the hypothalamus, sweat glands, arterioles and hair erector muscles
• the effect of sweating and shivering on body temperature
• the effect of vasoconstriction and vasodilation on body temperature
• heat stroke and hyperthermia
B1.28 principles of homeostasis: osmoregulation revisited
o receptors
o effectors
o feedback systems
o role of nervous system
o role of the endocrine system
B2.25 The development, impact and management of atopic eczema:
• cause of the disease
• impact on systems within the body and on physical and mental health
• how common treatments relieve symptoms:
o emollients
o topical corticosteroids
o dietary changes
o environmental changes eg. avoiding pollen, allergens, dust
o behavioural changes eg. avoiding scratching and certain fabrics, soaps and detergents
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,400+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
#hscresources #tlevelhealth
T-Level Health 2024-2025 complete pick-up-and-run teaching package, if you are following my SoW Wk14 for 13th January 2025.
Included is a 46-slide presentation with discussion points, embedded videos and guidance and a 21-page student booklet for notes.
The content of these resources covers the below;
A6.1 Their role in relation to record keeping and audits: their role in relation to record keeping, their role in relation to audits
A6.2 Why personal information is collected, stored and protected: collected: stored: protected: data protection regulations, information governance
A6.3 The types of information needed when obtaining a client history: name, date of birth, individual NHS or hospital number, presenting complaint, history of presenting complaint, drug history, family history, social history, social care involvement
A6.4 The purpose and common types of abbreviations used in the healthcare sector: purpose of common abbreviations: common abbreviations used: PRN, BP, MAR, DNR, MST, NEWS2, PEW
A6.5 The advantages of reporting systems for managing information with
regards to incidents, events and conditions: advantages of reporting systems
A6.6 When it may be appropriate to share information and the considerations that need to be made when sharing data: when it is appropriate to share information, considerations when sharing data
A6.7 The different formats for the sharing of information
A 6.8 The reasons for record keeping and how this contributes to the overall care of the individual: reasons for record keeping, how it contributes to the overall care of the individual
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,400+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
#hscresources #tlevelhealth
This resource package consists of a 24 page Word Booklet for students to make notes and carry out activities, keepin them all in the same place. There is reference to the assessment criteria throughout and FIVE PowerPoints to assist with the delivery of content, which are engaging and stimulates discussions.
The Unit 10 spec covered, as below:-
Learning aim B: Examine how sociological approaches support understanding of
models and concepts of health
B1 The biomedical model of health and alternatives
• The biomedical model (PowerPoint)
o origins and significance
o criticisms of the medical model
o implications for professionals and individuals who have care and support needs.
The alternatives:
o social model of health and well-being (PowerPoint)
o complementary approach to health and well-being
B2 The concepts of health, ill health and disability
• Physical and mental ill health (PowerPoint) and disability as social and biological constructs (PowerPoint).
• Definitions of health, including World Health Organization (WHO), holistic,
positive and negative.
• Medicalisation.
• The sick role.(PowerPoint)
• Clinical iceberg.
#hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
Good luck in your teaching!
This is a resource package consisting of , a 23 page booklet (Word) you can add and alter, with space for students to add notes, applied activities to complete and references to the BTEC textbook. It is a continuation fromthe Learning Aim A and B1 booklets, also on TES. Along with the booklet, there are Four PowerPoints to give interest to the delivery of the content for B2. Planning a research project and B3. Ethics Issues in research, as below:-
B2 Planning Research
How to plan a piece of research, including:
• rationale for the research
• deciding on achievable objectives
• selecting appropriate research methods
• selecting target group and sample
• deciding realistic timescales
• deciding how research will be monitored and modified
• deciding measures for success
• considering ethical issues while carrying out research.
B3 Ethical issues
Ethical principles in research reporting, including:
• maintaining confidentiality of participants, including of any settings
• ensuring that participants have given their consent
• the need to seek consent from parents or carers if participants are under 18 or lack appropriate mental capacity
• research conduct, including keeping a professional distance
• data protection legislation, policies and procedures, including using the research only for the stated purpose
• human rights legislation, policies and procedures and how this relates to conduct of research (legislation must be current at time of delivery and applicable to England, Wales or Northern Ireland)
• the use and misuse of results, including statistics that inform practice, informed consent from participants and the 1947 Nuremberg Code 10 rules, in relation to ethical research, misuse of results, e.g. Andrew Wakefield and the MMR research
• conflicts of interest in research and how to avoid them, peer reviews including human subjects, mentoring, research misconduct, professional distance, disclosure and whistle-blowing
• role of organisations, e.g. National Social Care Research Ethics Committee.
There's a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-)
#hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources
Good luck in your teaching :-)
A 38 slide Communication PowerPoint which covers all aspects of communication such as verbal and non-verbal and a full range of adaptions and aids that assist service users with communication, barriers and overcoming them. There is some animation and links to videos to engage and help understanding.
#hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
Good Luck in your teaching :-)
T-Level Health 2024-2025 complete pick-up-and-run teaching package, if you are following my SoW Wk15 for 20th January 2025.
Included is a 205-slide presentation with discussion points, embedded videos and guidance and a 45-page student booklet for notes.
This package is linked to the Employer Set Project, specifically Task 2b, 3a and 3b, students
The content of these resources covers the below;
A8.4 How physical and mental function across the lifespan impacts care needs and informs person-centred care. The 6 stages of human development across the lifespan and the typical care needs for each
A8.5 The key values of the healthcare sector when providing care and support:
• NHS core values (from NHS constitution); compassion, improving lives, respect and dignity, commitment to quality of care, working together for patients, everyone counts
• 6 principles produced by the People and Communities Board
A8.6 The purpose of the Personalisation Agenda 2012 and the importance of using holistic approaches in order to place individuals, their carers and significant others at the centre of their care and support, thepurpose of the Personalisation Agenda 2012
• holistic approaches:
• the importance of using holistic approaches:
A8.7 A range of verbal and nonverbal communication techniques, potential communication barriers and how to overcome them to support an individual’s condition: range of communication techniques, barriers to communication and overcoming these.
A8.8 The application of relevant legislation, including Mental Capacity Act (2005) plus Amendment (2019) and Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) on the provision of person-centred care:
• Mental Capacity Act (2005) plus Amendment (2019), including the 5 principles
• Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS)
A8.15 What the 6 Cs are in relation to person-centred care: care, compassion, communication, courage, commitment, competence
A8.16 The importance of practicing and promoting the 6 Cs in relation to demonstrating person-centred care skills, through own actions and promoting the approach with others
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,400+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
#hscresources #tlevelhealth
A complete resource package for teaching Learning Aim A of the BTEC First optional unit, Unit 8 Individuals Rights. There are 14 PowerPoint presentation with engaging content, activities and videos to enhance learning as well as paper based activities and worksheets.
The content covere, is below:-
Topic A.1 The rights of individuals using health and social care services
● to be respected
● to be treated as an individual
● to be treated with dignity
● to be treated equally and not discriminated against
● to be allowed privacy and confidentiality
● to be allowed access to information about self
● to have account taken of own choices, e.g. to communicate in preferred method/language
● to be allowed independence
● to be safe
● to be able to take risks
● to be involved in own care
● current and relevant legislation and how it protects the rights of service users, e.g. Human Rights Act (1998), Equality Act (2010), Mental Health Act (1983).
Topic A.2 How care workers can uphold the rights of service users Learners must be able to give examples of how rights of service users can be upheld in health and social care settings, including the difficulties of doing so.
Learners must also understand the associated benefits of upholding the rights of service users.
● anti-discriminatory practices
● ensuring privacy during personal care
● offering person-centred approach
● showing empathy
● being honest.
For more Level 1, 2 and 3 Health and Social Care resources, visit my TES Shop
HSCresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,300 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
Good luck in your teaching :-)
T-Level Health 2024-2025 complete pick-up-and-run teaching package, if you are following my SoW Wk21 for 3rd March 2025.
Included is a 135-slide presentation with discussion points, embedded videos and guidance and a 37-page student booklet for activities, notes and exam practice. There are relevant additional documents and signposting.
The content of these resources covers is A11.1 to A11.12 and A8.17 to A8.18
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,400+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
#hscresources #tlevelhealth
This resource package consists of two PowerPoints and an 8 page accompanying booklet, covering the BTEC Level 3 Health & Social Care Unit 3 Anatomy & Physiology C1 Medical Research part of the spec.
You have the option to alter or add to this and make the data in examples, local to your particular area to make it more relevant for students.
For the rest of the Unit 3 A and P spec resources, follow me on TES and they can be found easily. Life is too short to spend all your time working so take a short cut for a few pounds… …so you have enough time to get on with the relentless marking!
There’s a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-)
#hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources
Thank you and good luck!
This package is for teachers delivering the 2022 spec for BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care Component 3, Health and Wellbeing. s.
For teachers following my C3 SoW, this is for week 10.
There is one presentations of 70 slides with embedded videos, pause discussion points and a exam practice for question 16. There is a focus on answering 6 mark questions using and applied practice for this and model answers provided.
All resources are adaptable to meet you needs.
There is one homework A3 task sheets which is suitable for both Level 1 and Level 2.
The content of the spec covered in this package is listed below;
Established recommendations for helping to improve health and wellbeing: [Question 16a]
o improving resting heart rate and recovery rate after exercise
o improving blood pressure
o maintaining a healthy weight
o eating a balanced diet
o getting enough physical activity
o quitting smoking
o sensible alcohol consumption
o stopping substance misuse.
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,200+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
This package is for teachers delivering the 2022 spec for BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care Component 3, Health and Wellbeing. s.
For teachers following my C3 SoW, this is for week 11.
There is one presentations of 32 slides with embedded videos, pause discussion points and activities to apply knowledge.
All resources are adaptable to meet you needs.
There is three homework A3 task sheets which is suitable for both Level 1 and Level 2 and in the style of question 16b.
The content of the spec covered in this package is listed below;
● Support available when following recommendations to improve health and wellbeing: [Exam question 16b]
o formal support from professionals, trained volunteers, support groups and charities
o informal support from friends, family, neighbours, community and work colleagues
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,200+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
T-Level Health - Core B - Revision activities for Nov resit students
56-slide Quiz - students in teams. Answers explained.
A3 6-page independent activity
Higher mark exam question practice
Core B, Student R-A-G booklet - independent task
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,300+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
#hscresources #tlevelhealth
A 45 page booklet with information and learnig activities covering the BTEC Unit 20 spec for Learning Aim A, as below:-
Learning aim A: Understand different views on the nature of mental well-being and mental health
A1. Ways in which mental well-being and mental health are understood
• The meaning of mental well-being and mental health.
• Perception of mental wellbeing and mental health.
• Mental capital.
• The Dual Axis model of mental health.
• Measurements and scales which measure mental well-being.
A2. Factors that affect mental well-being and mental health across the life span
• Environment, endowment and experience.
• Socio-economic.
• Psychological.
• Risk factors.
• Protective factors.
• Biological factors.
There’s a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-)
#hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources
There are 58 colourful and engaging question cards covering all aspects of the BTEC Level 3 Unit 1 Human Lifespan Development spec. The questions are coloured so students know which way up they should go and on the reverse side, is the answers, in black text. This can be an individual activity for a students or pairs and does not require any marking on your part!
The cards will needed printing double sided and cutting out. I used paper and laminated them so I can use them lots of times without wear and tear.
I suggest students write their answers before turning over the reverse side to check it. In pairs, if one student does not know the answer or gets it wrong, hopefully the paired partner can give explain it as a peer and give advice on how they can remember it.
The cards move from easier answers to harder one’s so there is an element of differentiation. They can also be given to a group of more able students to work on independently whilst you spend time with a student who has missed teaching content or is less able as this activity generates no noise! This also helps students identify content they then need to revise.
I stress to my students that this is just testing their ability to recall content, however, a big part of doing well in an exam, is practice writing out exam answers, taking note of the command word and marks allocated… and they must include a conclusion in questions worth 8-10 marks.
For more Level 2 and Level 3 Health and Social Care unit packages and topic resources, please visit my shop, using the link below. The full range is in the same place with a handy search facility to cut down on time.
#hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,400 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
Good luck x
T-Level Health 2024-2025 complete pick-up-and-run teaching package, if you are following my SoW Wk13 for 16th December 2024 and January 6th 2025
There is a 161-slide presentation with discussion points, embedded videos and guidance and a 41-page student booklet for notes.
The content of these resources covers the below;
A9.7 How lifestyle choices impact good health and wellbeing:
• nutrition and diet choices affecting body mass index
• smoking
• low physical activity
• consumption of alcohol
• substance abuse and addiction
A9.8 A range of methods of taking a holistic approach to healthcare
A9.9 The purpose of signposting individuals to interventions, or other services and how this can support their health and wellbeing
A9.10 The impact of the ageing process on health and wellbeing
A9.11 How aspects of care requirements change throughout various life stages
A9.12 Methods of supporting people to look after themselves at various stages of life
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,400+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
#hscresources #tlevelhealth
A resource package of a 26 slide PowerPoint Step-byStep Walk-through of how to tackle the Pearsons Unit 4 May 2018 Part A Asthma Atricle. It inclucdes, initial research thoughts, the 4-sides of research and references to take into the Part B exam and model answers for students to analyse as well as the exam board feedback for this paper. There is also some revision guidance and resources.
For more free and small charge OCR CTEC and Pearson’s BTEC Level 2 and 3 Health & Social Care resources, visit my shop to find the full range, with a handy search facility to cut down on time. #hscresources TES shop
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
Good luck in your teaching, this is a challenging unit!
This is a collection eight of PowerPoint presentations, some containing activities, some with embedded video’s, which cover the cardiovascular section of the Cambridge Technical HSC Unit 4, as below:-
1.1 Composition of blood eg. erythrocytes (a red blood cell) etc
1.2 Functions of blood eg. transport of hormones, waste urea, nutrients and blood gasses
1.3 Structure of heart eg. Atria, ventricles, vena cava etc
1.4 Function of heart eg. cardiac cycle (pulmonary, cardiac and systemic)
1.5 Control and regulation of cardiac cycle eg. location and role of SA and AV nodes
1.6 Types, structure and functions of blood vessels eg. Arteries, veins, capillaries
1.7 Formation of tissue fluid and lymph eg. role of hydrostatic pressure
1.8 Cardiovascular malfunctions – hypertension, coronary heart disease
1.9 Monitoring, treatment and care needs for cardiovascular malfunctions
You can use these and create your own activities, eg. card match to ensure they are engaging and memorable for your students.
There’s a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-)
hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources
I hope you find these super useful and enjoy your teaching #hscresources